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Stourbridge Glass Museum depends on donations to continue operating. We are extremely grateful for any contribution you would like to make.

BGF routinely reviews its donation procedures. Enhancements are announced as and when but in the meantime we continue to accept donations direct by cash, cheque and BACS. We would respectfully ask that all cheques and orders be made payable to BRITISH GLASS FOUNDATION.

 Legacies for the Future

 A legacy is a gift noted in your will, or a donation made in remembrance of a loved one. It is one of the most effective ways to make a lasting difference to the Museum, to ensure that we can continue to preserve the history of Stourbridge and educate future generations about our rich heritage.

 Legacies can support a specific project, tailored to specific interest. Promoting our educational efforts, advancing our collections and restoration work, supporting internships and volunteer opportunities, or transforming Stourbridge Glass Museum. We value any support you are able to give.

 Legacies can also be unrestricted, giving the Museum the flexibility to pursue unforeseen opportunities in the future.

​ Whichever you choose, your gift will last beyond a lifetime and allow Stourbridge Glass Museum to thrive as a centre of learning and community engagement in the West Midlands.

If you’d like to learn more about leaving a legacy, please contact us on 

or call on 01384900447.

For donations by BACS our bank details are:


Branch Identifier Code: MIDLGB2108U

Sort code: 40-38-07

Account number: 72076780

Other ways to donate:

To donate via Virgin Money Giving, click here.  Potential donors are advised that contributions via VMG may invoke commission fees that are beyond the control of BGF.

To donate from anywhere in the world through Paypal, click here and donate to

To donate via Just Giving, click here.

Glass Museum

The museum depends on donations to continue operating. We are grateful for any contribution you make.

Charity number: 1139252

Privacy statement /  Stourbridge Glass Museum 2021